Webcam and Weather
Our webcam streams live from the tower overlooking the yard, beach and our sailing area.
Proudly sponsored by local real estate company, Warlimont & Nutt – Established 1952

Weather data comes from our weather station and is updated in real-time.
Detailed data from our station can be accessed via the Weatherlink app, available for Apple and Android devices.
- Download and install using the links below
- Open the app, sign up for a (free) account and log in.
- Tap the account icon top right (), then Units in the Settings section - change to suit.
- Go back and choose Let's check the weather or tap the plus icon ().
- Search for Mount Martha Yacht Club and tap to display.
- Tap the bookmark icon () to save.
- Note that there is no need to upgrade beyond the BASIC station tier.

Weather Links
BoM Port Phillip Local Waters Forecast
BoM Marine Wind Forecast
BayWinds - Port Phillip Winds and Temperatures
WillyWeather Wind Forecast - Mount Martha
SeaBreeze Melbourne Weather Forecast
Victorian Ports | Hovell Pile (select the Hovell Pile pin, located in McCrae)